The Joy of Cooking: Two Centuries of Cookbooks at the DeGolyer Library highlights the vast collection of cookbooks preserved in our library. These cookbooks are a storehouse of recipes, as well as a sign of technological, sociological, cultural, and economic change over time.
From handwritten recipe collections and household guides of the 19th century, to ‘reducing’ cookbooks of the 1920s and the rationing cookbooks of World War II, this exhibit charts changing attitudes and approaches to homecooked meals. The Joy of Cooking exhibit will also examine food communities in America, including Jewish cuisine, African American foodways, and church and community cookbooks.
If we are what we eat, cookbooks can tell us much about our character in the past.
October 6 - December 22
Hillcrest Exhibit Hall, Fondren Library West
8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m., M- F
Open Saturday-Sunday, 10:00-6:00
(excluding November 5th, 24th-26th, and December 17th)