May was an American reformer who supported a number of movements including: education, women's rights, and abolition of slavery. He wrote The Rights and Condition of Women in 1846 in favor of giving women the right to vote and allowing them equality…
On September 30, 1918, President Woodrow Wilson gives a speech before Congress in support of guaranteeing women the right to vote. Sterling wrote this song to remind President Wilson of the people of California who helped him secure his presidency.…
Written by Jerome H. Remick. Anti-suffragettes often believed that women were unable to vote in a respectful manner. “She’s Good Enough” responds with the opinion that men gave women the chore of raising their children.
Published by the New York State Women’s Suffrage Association. On the cover, a women’s march is depicted with the famous Flat Iron Building in the background. In the songbook, there is sheet music for the piano. This work was most likely sold as a…
Officially approved for the benefit of the equal suffrage cause, Massachusetts Woman’s Suffrage Association. “Awake! Awake! Ye sisters all, in this our glorious land, and must to the bugle call to lend a helping hand; to settle strife where such be…
Dedicated to the women’s anti-suffrage associations. Published by the Women’s Anti-Suffrage Association in Boston, MA. In opposition to the suffragists, the association used red and pink as their official colors and the rose as their official flower.…
Mary Wollstonecraft [Godwin] was a British teacher and writer. Her path-breaking feminist manifesto argued for the spiritual and rational equality of women and was extremely influential in years to come, on both sides of the Atlantic. She argued that…