Browse Items (82 total)
Joseph Edward Badger, 1848-1909 Jack Rabbit, the Prairie Sport, or, The Wolf Children of the Llano Estacado by Joseph E. Badger, Jr. New York: Beadle & Adams, Publishers, 1876. Badger began contributing Dime Novels to journals like the New York…
Frances Courtenay Baylor, 1848-1920 Juan and Juanita Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin, 1887 "This story of two unfortunate fortunates … is true in its essential facts. That is, two Mexican children were really captured some years since on the…
H. de Chavannes de la Giraudière Les Petits Voyageurs en Californie Tours: A. Mame et Cie, 1853 This children’s story centers on a Frenchman, transfixed by the Gold Rush, who travels from Le Havre to search for gold in California. He has two boys…
Noah Brooks, 1830-1903 The Boy Emigrants New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1876 Brooks was a journalist and editor who worked for newspapers in Sacramento, San Francisco, Newark, and New York, and authored a major biography of Abraham Lincoln based…
Sarah Schoonmaker Baker, 1824-1906 The Children on the Plains. A Story of Travel and Adventure in the Great Prairies of North America London, Edinburgh, New York, T. Nelson and Sons, 1873 “The circumstances wrought into the following story, are true…
Dr. Dietrich The German Emigrants: or, Frederick Wohlgemuth’s Voyage to California by Dr. Dietrich. Translated by Leopold Wray Guben: Printed by F. Fechner, [1852?] German literary travel account of a Prussian boy, Fred Wolgemuth, his family, and…
Mrs. Newman The Golden Dawn and Other Stories by May Wentworth New York & San Francisco: A. Roman, 1870 Bret Hart reviewed this book and two other titles by California writers, Clara Dolliver’s The Candy Elephant and Other Stories for…
Margaret Sidney, 1844-1924 The Golden West As Seen by the Ridgway Club, by Margaret Sidney Boston: D. Lothrop and Company [1886] “Margaret Sidney” was the pen-name of Harriett Mulford Stone Lothrop. A native of New Haven, Connecticut, she was the…
Edward Sylvester Ellis, 1840-1916 The Great Cattle Trail Philadelphia: Porter & Coates, [1894] Ellis wrote at least 150 novels, the most famous of which was probably Seth Jones, for Beadle & Adams, 1861. This story begins: “Avon Burnet, at…
The Juvenile Gem New York: Huestis & Cozans, [1850-1852] Huestis & Cozans were New York publishers who specialized in children’s books from about 1845 to 1860. The Juvenile Gem consists of seven stories, each with a separate title page,…
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