Kay Kerr


Kay Kerr was the first Fashion Promotions Director, became a store vice-president in charge of fashion direction, operated out of New York, ca. 1947-1975. Kerr often went to Europe, France, Italy, England, to report on the latest fashions and to place orders. She even went on a scouting trip to Australia and New Guinea making purchases of unusual crafts for the store in 1970. She wrote up detailed reports, advertising overviews and charts and fashion drawing books for the store. 

Photograph of Kay Kerr with Stanley Marcus and Howard Abrams, ca. 1960


Mamie Eisenhower wore a pink peau de soie gown embroidered with more than 2,000 rhinestones to the 1953 inaugural balls. The dress was designed by Nettie Rosenstein and purchased at Neiman Marcus.  Mrs. Eisenhower waited until the week before the inauguration to reveal descriptions of her sparkling pink gown for the newspapers. Kay Kerr wondered about publicly revealing the NM connection.

Kay Kerr